This function creates a derived variable for the five-item social provision scale (SPS_5_fun). The range is 0-20, where a higher score reflects a higher level of perceived social support.

SPS_5_fun(SPS_03, SPS_04, SPS_05, SPS_07, SPS_10)



close relationships that provide sense of emotional security and well-being


talk to about important decisions with someone


relationships where competence and skill are recognized


part of a group who share attitudes and beliefs


strong emotional bond with a least one person


The Social Provisions Scale (SPS) is commonly used to measure social support. The ten-item social provisions scale (SPS-10) has been reduced to a five-item scale (SPS-5).Reducing the SPS-10 items by half decreases the respondent burden on surveys. SPS-5 is a valid measure of social support while maintaining adequate measurement properties (Orpana et al., 2019). Validation of SDS-5 using Canadian national survey data can be found here.

SPS-10 and their items were available in CCHS from 2011-2018.


# Using the SPS_5_fun function to create the derived SPS5_der variable # across CCHS cycles. # SPS_5_fun() is specified in the variable_details.csv. # To create a harmonized SPS5_der variable across CCHS cycles, use # rec_with_table() for each CCHS cycle and specify SPS_5_fun and the # required base variables. # Using merge_rec_data(), you can combine SPS5_der across cycles. library(cchsflow) SPS5_2011_2012 <- rec_with_table( cchs2011_2012_p, c( "SPS_03", "SPS_04", "SPS_05", "SPS_07", "SPS_10", "SPS5_der" ) )
#> No variable_details detected. #> Loading cchsflow variable_details
#> Using the passed data variable name as database_name
#> NOTE for SPS_03: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> NOTE for SPS_04: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> NOTE for SPS_05: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> NOTE for SPS_07: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> NOTE for SPS_10: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> SPS_03 SPS_04 SPS_05 SPS_07 SPS_10 SPS5_der #> 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 #> 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 5 1 1 1 NA 1 NA #> 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA
SPS5_2017_2018 <- rec_with_table( cchs2017_2018_p,c( "SPS_03", "SPS_04", "SPS_05", "SPS_07", "SPS_10", "SPS5_der" ) )
#> No variable_details detected. #> Loading cchsflow variable_details
#> Using the passed data variable name as database_name
#> NOTE for SPS_03: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> NOTE for SPS_04: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> NOTE for SPS_05: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> NOTE for SPS_07: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> NOTE for SPS_10: For CCHS cycles 2015-2018, question was not asked in proxy interview
#> SPS_03 SPS_04 SPS_05 SPS_07 SPS_10 SPS5_der #> 195 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 196 2 2 2 2 2 10 #> 197 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 198 1 1 1 2 1 6 #> 199 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 200 1 1 1 2 1 6
combined_SPS5 <- suppressWarnings(merge_rec_data(SPS5_2011_2012, SPS5_2017_2018)) head(combined_SPS5)
#> SPS_03 SPS_04 SPS_05 SPS_07 SPS_10 SPS5_der #> 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 #> 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 5 1 1 1 NA 1 NA #> 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> SPS_03 SPS_04 SPS_05 SPS_07 SPS_10 SPS5_der #> 395 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 396 2 2 2 2 2 10 #> 397 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 398 1 1 1 2 1 6 #> 399 NA NA NA NA NA NA #> 400 1 1 1 2 1 6