This function creates a categorical derived variable (HWTGBMI_der_cat4) that categorizes derived BMI (HWTGBMI_der).




derived variable that calculates numeric value for BMI. See bmi_fun for documentation on how variable was derived.


value for BMI categories in the HWTGBMI_der_cat4 variable.


The categories were based on international standards and are divided into four categories: underweight for BMI < 18.5 (1), normal weight for BMI between 18.5 to 25 (2), overweight for BMI between 25 to 30 (3), and obese for BMI over 30 (4).

HWTGBMI_der_cat4 uses the derived variable HWTGBMI_der. HWTGBMI_der uses height and weight that have been transformed by cchsflow. In order to categorize BMI across CCHS cycles, height and weight variables must be transformed and harmonized.


# Using bmi_fun_cat() to categorize BMI across CCHS cycles # bmi_fun_cat() is specified in variable_details.csv along with the # CCHS variables and cycles included. # To transform HWTGBMI_der_cat4 across all cycles, use rec_with_table() for # each CCHS cycle. # Since HWTGBMI_der is also a derived variable, you will have to specify # the variables that are derived from it. library(cchsflow) bmi_cat_2009_2010 <- rec_with_table( cchs2009_2010_p, c( "HWTGHTM", "HWTGWTK", "HWTGBMI_der", "HWTGBMI_der_cat4" ) )
#> No variable_details detected. #> Loading cchsflow variable_details
#> Using the passed data variable name as database_name
#> NOTE for HWTGHTM: Height is a reported in meters from 2005 CCHS onwards
#> HWTGHTM HWTGWTK HWTGBMI_der HWTGBMI_der_cat4 #> 1 1.778 54.45 17.22401 1 #> 2 1.702 56.00 19.33165 2 #> 3 1.626 90.00 34.04093 4 #> 4 NA NA NA NA(b) #> 5 1.880 99.00 28.01041 3 #> 6 1.575 72.00 29.02494 3
bmi_cat_2011_2012 <- rec_with_table( cchs2011_2012_p,c( "HWTGHTM", "HWTGWTK", "HWTGBMI_der", "HWTGBMI_der_cat4" ) )
#> No variable_details detected. #> Loading cchsflow variable_details
#> Using the passed data variable name as database_name
#> NOTE for HWTGHTM: Height is a reported in meters from 2005 CCHS onwards
#> HWTGHTM HWTGWTK HWTGBMI_der HWTGBMI_der_cat4 #> 195 1.600 64.35 25.13672 3 #> 196 1.880 80.10 22.66297 2 #> 197 1.753 78.75 25.62635 3 #> 198 1.651 83.70 30.70657 4 #> 199 1.930 74.25 19.93342 2 #> 200 1.575 76.50 30.83900 4
combined_bmi_cat <- suppressWarnings(merge_rec_data (bmi_cat_2009_2010,bmi_cat_2011_2012)) head(combined_bmi_cat)
#> HWTGHTM HWTGWTK HWTGBMI_der HWTGBMI_der_cat4 #> 1 1.778 54.45 17.22401 1 #> 2 1.702 56.00 19.33165 2 #> 3 1.626 90.00 34.04093 4 #> 4 NA NA NA NA(b) #> 5 1.880 99.00 28.01041 3 #> 6 1.575 72.00 29.02494 3
#> HWTGHTM HWTGWTK HWTGBMI_der HWTGBMI_der_cat4 #> 395 1.600 64.35 25.13672 3 #> 396 1.880 80.10 22.66297 2 #> 397 1.753 78.75 25.62635 3 #> 398 1.651 83.70 30.70657 4 #> 399 1.930 74.25 19.93342 2 #> 400 1.575 76.50 30.83900 4