This function creates a derived variable (time_quit_smoking_der) that calculates the approximate time a former smoker has quit smoking based on various CCHS smoking variables. This variable is for CCHS respondents in CCHS surveys 2003-2014.

time_quit_smoking_fun(SMK_09A_B, SMKG09C)



number of years since quitting smoking. Variable asked to former daily smokers who quit <3 years ago.


number of years since quitting smoking. Variable asked to former daily smokers who quit >=3 years ago.


value for time since quit smoking in time_quit_smoking_der.


# Using time_quit_smoking_fun() to create pack-years values across CCHS # cycles. # time_quit_smoking_fun() is specified in variable_details.csv along with the # CCHS variables and cycles included. # To transform time_quit_smoking across cycles, use rec_with_table() for each # CCHS cycle and specify time_quit_smoking, along with each smoking variable. # Then by using merge_rec_data(), you can combine time_quit_smoking across # cycles. library(cchsflow) time_quit2009_2010 <- rec_with_table( cchs2009_2010_p, c( "SMK_09A_B", "SMKG09C", "time_quit_smoking" ) )
#> No variable_details detected. #> Loading cchsflow variable_details
#> Using the passed data variable name as database_name
#> NOTE for SMKG09C: Don't know (7) and refusal (8) not included in CCHS 2015-2016 and CCHS 2017-2018
#> SMK_09A_B SMKG09C time_quit_smoking #> 1 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 2 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 3 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 4 4 2 8 #> 5 4 3 12 #> 6 4 3 12
time_quit2011_2012 <- rec_with_table( cchs2011_2012_p, c( "SMK_09A_B", "SMKG09C", "time_quit_smoking" ) )
#> No variable_details detected. #> Loading cchsflow variable_details
#> Using the passed data variable name as database_name
#> NOTE for SMKG09C: Don't know (7) and refusal (8) not included in CCHS 2015-2016 and CCHS 2017-2018
#> SMK_09A_B SMKG09C time_quit_smoking #> 195 4 3 12 #> 196 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 197 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 198 4 2 8 #> 199 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 200 NA(a) NA(a) NA
combined_time_quit <- suppressWarnings(merge_rec_data(time_quit2009_2010, time_quit2011_2012)) head(combined_time_quit)
#> SMK_09A_B SMKG09C time_quit_smoking #> 1 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 2 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 3 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 4 4 2 8 #> 5 4 3 12 #> 6 4 3 12
#> SMK_09A_B SMKG09C time_quit_smoking #> 395 4 3 12 #> 396 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 397 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 398 4 2 8 #> 399 NA(a) NA(a) NA #> 400 NA(a) NA(a) NA