A.1 Data requirements for MPoRT

In order to use the MPoRT algorithm on the Project Big Life Tool your data set must include the following CCHS 2013/2014 variables:

PUMF_CCHS_variable Shared_CCHS_variable Description
WTS_M* WTS_S* Survey weight
* Variable names are different between the two files

In addition the following variables should be included to increase the prediction accuracy:

PUMF_CCHS_variable Shared_CCHS_variable Description
ALWDWKY ALWDWKY Weekly alcohol consumption
CCC_071 CCC_071 Do you have high blood pressure
CCC_091 CCC_091 Do you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CCC_101 CCC_101 Do you have diabetes
CCC_121 CCC_121 Do you have heart disease
CCC_131 CCC_131 Do you have active cancer
CCC_151 CCC_151 Do you suffer from effects of stroke
CCC_280 CCC_280 Do you have a mood disorder
EDUDR04 EDUDR04 Highest level/education of respondent
FVCDCAR FVCDCAR Daily consumption - carrot
FVCDFRU FVCDFRU Daily consumption - fruit
FVCDJUI FVCDJUI Daily consumption - juice
FVCDPOT FVCDPOT Daily consumption - potatoes
FVCDSAL FVCDSAL Daily consumption - green salad
FVCDVEG FVCDVEG Daily consumption - vegetables
HWTGBMI* HWTDBMI* BMI self reported
PACDEE PACDEE Daily energy expenditure
SDCGCGT* SDCDCGT* Cultural or racial origin
SDCGRES* SDCDRES* Length of time in Canada since immigration
SMK_01A SMK_01A In lifetime, smoked 100 or more cigarettes
SMK_05B SMK_05B # of cigarettes smoked daily - occasional smoker
SMK_05C SMK_05C Past month, smoked 1+ cigarettes daily - occasional smoker
SMK_09A SMK_09A When did you stop smoking daily - occasional smoker
SMK_204 SMK_204 # of cigarettes smoked daily - daily smoker
SMK_208 SMK_208 # of cigarettes smoke each day - occasional smoker
SMKDSTY SMKDSTY Type of smoker
SMKG01C* SMK_01C* Age smoked first whole cigarette
SMKG09C* SMK_09C* Years since stopped smoking daily - occasional smoker
SMKG203* SMK_203* Age started to smoke daily
* Variable names are different between the two files