4.3 Select calculation

There are two general types of calculations: summary measures and by row measures.

  • Summary measures: When selected, the result will be a single measure for the entire dataset. For instance when Summary Measure - Life Expectancy (Summary Measure) is selected the result is a single life expectancy at birth for the given for the population.

  • By row measures: When selected, the result will be the measurement for each individual (e.g. row) in the dataset.

Summary measures must be selected for calculations that have stratifications or scenarios (both intervention and health behaviour attribution).

More details of what the calculations are and how they are preformed can be found in key concepts - “Calculations”.


  1. Click ‘+ Create’

  1. Name your calculation.

  1. Check the box beside the calculation’s name under “Calculations” to select it. A single calculation or multiple calculations may be selected.
  • Once selected, the types(s) of the calculations will appear to the right of “Calculations”.