4.8 View results

  1. Click the “View” button beside the calculation you want to see.

  2. The Results Box appears at the bottom of the web page.

The following tabs will always appear:

  • Overview: gives a summary of the calculation(s).

  • Log: gives a summary of the warnings and errors that happened during the calculation.

The following tabs will appear based on your calculation:

  • By Row Measures will give you a table with the ‘by row measure’ average.

  • Summary Measures will give you a table with summary measures. This tab will only appear when no stratifications are selected.

  • Stratifications will give you a graph with the summary measures, when stratifications are selected.

4.8.1 Graph

The graph is interactive. Hover over the graph to see the results for each strata, exclude strata, download a .png of the graph, and much more.