4.5 Stratify data

Use stratifications when you want to get a result for multiple strata (levels or classes).

A summary measure must be selected for stratifications, as only a summary measure will be outputted for each strata. By row measurements may also be selected but they will not be stratified.


  1. Click the toggle button beside “Stratifications”.

  1. Select the variables you want to stratify on under the "Stratifications’. You are only able to stratify on categorical variables.

  1. To add another variable for stratification repeat the steps above. A maximum of 3 stratifications are recommended to maintain statistical power (added strata reduce strata sample size and reduces statistical power).
  • Once selected, the name(s) of the stratified variable(s) will appear to the right of “Stratifications”.

You are able to stratify on all types of categorical variables: required for calculation, recommended for calculation, and other variables (includes customized variables).

4.5.1 Remove a stratification

  • To remove a stratification variable click on the ‘x’ beside the variable level.